Rural Caucus announcement
Manistee County Democrats:
The Michigan Democratic Party Rural Caucus is holding a Rural Revival Summit in Sault St Marie, MI April 10-12, 2025. This event is shaping up to be a gathering of strong-willed, like-minded rural voters who want to learn how we can lead and change the way things are going in Washington DC and Lansing.
The Manistee County Democratic Party (MCDP) has allocated four $250 stipends that will cover the cost of registration and meals for this two-day summit. We will award these stipends to four current members of the MCDP who submit the most deserving applications. To qualify we ask applicants to take these steps by responding via email in this order:
Follow this link to learn more about the 2025 Rural Revival Summit:
The Michigan Democratic Party Rural Caucus is holding a Rural Revival Summit in Sault St Marie, MI April 10-12, 2025. This event is shaping up to be a gathering of strong-willed, like-minded rural voters who want to learn how we can lead and change the way things are going in Washington DC and Lansing.
The Manistee County Democratic Party (MCDP) has allocated four $250 stipends that will cover the cost of registration and meals for this two-day summit. We will award these stipends to four current members of the MCDP who submit the most deserving applications. To qualify we ask applicants to take these steps by responding via email in this order:
- What have you done to work for social, economic, and environmental justice in the past two years?
- What do you hope to learn at the summit?
- What will you commit to doing with the information you learn at the summit for the benefit of your fellow members of the MCDP and voters in Manistee County?
Follow this link to learn more about the 2025 Rural Revival Summit: